Sunday, June 21, 2009

Camera Painting

In an effort to be creative with my camera and push myself outside the box of perfectly focused photographs, I recently started playing with motion to produce interesting images. This gives me an additional option while out shooting. I don’t have to wait to find interesting subject to shoot, I create them.

The technique is quite simple. I set the camera to either manual or aperture mode. I want to make sure my shutter speed is between 1 to 6 seconds. I find an interesting subject; almost anything will work with camera painting although I like colorful things.

I fire the shutter and move the camera during the 1 to 6 second exposure. Sometimes I rotate the camera in a circular motion, other times I just move it horizontally or mix it up and do a little of everything.

You never know what you’re going to get. Each shot is an experiment. Because I shoot digital I can instantly see the result and determine if I like the result or if I need to change my method of motion. Plus, I can play and shoot as many images as I want and it doesn’t cost me anything.

So next time you’re out with your camera, play around and try it. You might come up with some very pleasing results.

Below are a few images I took this weekend while walking around Paris.

The store front of an umbrella store. (before)
Paris France (after)

Tables of an outdoor cafe.
Paris, FrancePosters pasted up on a cement wall.
Paris, France Posters pasted up on a cement wall. (version 2)
Paris, France Hollywood movie poster.
Paris, France

Animoto - The End of Slideshows


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